CME Facts

What can 10 cents per {cwt} buy?

CME facts from 2012

$ / pound of block x pounds $ / pound of barrels x pounds
Jan 1.55 x 2,816,000 = $4,364,800 1.53 x 2,772,000 = $4,241,160
Feb 1.47 x 2,860,000 = $4,204,200 1.48 x 2,068,000 = $3,060,640
Mar 1.51 x 1,188,000 = $1,793,880 1.51 x 1,672,000 = $2,524,720
April 1.50 x 1,320,000 = $1,980,000 1.45 x 3,476,000 = $5,040,200
May 1.52 x 792,000 = $1,203,840 1.47 x 1,232,000 = $1,811,040
June 1.63 x 704,000 = $1,147,520 1.58 x 616,000 = $973,280
July 1.68 x 1,628,000 = $2,735,040 1.68 x 572,000 = $960,960
Aug 1.82 x2,112,000 = $3,843,840 1.78 x 4,180,000 = $7,440,400
Sept 1.92 x2,772,000 = $5,322,240 1.87 x 1,100,000 = $2,057,000
Oct 2.07 x1,848,000 = $3,825,360 2.02 x 440,000 = $888,800
Nov 1.90 x 1,672,000 = $3,176,800 1.83 x 836,000 = $1,529,880
Dec 1.74 x 352,000 = $612,480 1.58 x 2,288,000 = 3,615,040
Totals: $33,845,200 $29,901,960

CME trades $63,747,120 in 2012 which = 3.19 cents per {cwt} on the 200 billion pounds of milk produced in 2012. That makes 10 cents per {cwt} a great business investment that will add value to your milk check faster than any put option or risk management plan available.